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The Sufis Balance Peace With Self

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 06:43
by SivaRamanathan
The Sufis Balance Peace With Self

A Sufi saint will give you a fresh lime
write something on it with charcoal
tell you that your worries will evaporate
before the lime dries up.

It sounds logical--- you shift
your worries to that lime
wait for it to dry and shrink
much time has elapsed
so the worries vanish.

Early in the morning, intoxicated
with the smell of camphor,they
dance in circles like recluses.
People come to them with their problems.
They hear you out, give you that lime
ask you to go back to normal living.

They are mendicants, fakirs, beggars of food.
When they stretch out their hands for alms
their asking humbles their soul.