no wonder

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Joined:22 Jun 2006, 10:56
no wonder

#1 Post by Billy » 22 Sep 2023, 22:27

no wonder

the rain falls on the good and the bad
under a moon all can see and say
whose face is it that smiles or frowns on us

the good go on being good
the bad go on being bad
until they all meet in Rumi's field

where the sun shines on the golden wheat
there are no tares to be cast into the fire
the art of growth waves triumphantly

across the field in one surging wave
all the art of the ages their gift and reprieve
good and bad a poem a song a painting

Joined:03 Jun 2016, 21:03

Re: no wonder

#2 Post by BobBradshaw » 22 Sep 2023, 22:59

Well done. I like the reference to Rumi and the biblical one to tares in the same poem.

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Joined:22 Jun 2006, 10:56

Re: no wonder

#3 Post by Billy » 11 Oct 2023, 03:31

Thanks Bob

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